Viviers Studio

Viviers Studio

SOL sat down to chat with Johannesburg based Fashion Designer and Creative Director Lezanne Viviers whose luxury brand Viviers Studio offers limited editions and made to order collections crafted by artisans in Johannesburg and inspired by the spirit of the city.

Lezanne spoke to us about her start in fashion working for Marianne Fassler, her atelier and showroom Lotus House and what it’s like to be a sustainable luxury brand in South Africa.

You can keep up to date with the world of Viviers Studio on Instagram and view the collection on the official website here.

Did you grow up in a creative household?

Yes and No. My father is a Mechanical Engineer and has his own galvanizing factory and my mother is a stay-at-home mum. Growing up in a factory environment, taught me how to think and solve problems like an engineer. This has become very useful owning a small business and doing my own luxury production. I also learned a great deal of what it takes to be an entrepreneur and to be self-employed, which are skills that I will forever treasure! My mother ensured that we played a lot and we did plenty of creative activities like painting silk, folding origami paper boxes, as well as encouraged us, to spend a lot of time in nature. Nature is still one of my biggest inspirations today.

Did you know you would end up in the fashion industry?

Not specifically. I was more interested in art at school, but clothing always interested me and I saw this as another medium. My parents never spoilt me with designer clothes. I got a very small seasonal budget which I spent buying vintage clothes from a young age. I loved that I could find unique and beautiful clothes that fitted my budget. I think this still influences me today: quality and timely pieces.

One of your earliest memories that hugely impacted you and pushed you to your vocation?

I don’t have a memory, per say, but I think my defining moment was as a child, when I realised I didn’t want my mother to dress me any longer- I knew exactly what I wanted to wear!

Viviers Studio

Womb Cocoon, S/S2020, Viviers Studio - Photo Credit: Danielle Smith

Viviers Studio

Womb Cocoon, S/S2020, Viviers Studio - Photo Credit: Danielle Smith

Tell us a little bit more about your brand Viviers Studio

After my diploma in Fashion Design, I worked at Marianne Fassler for eight years, working my way towards becoming the Creative Director for half of that time. When I turned thirty, I decided it was time to start my own brand; that is how VIVIERS STUDIO was born. From the get go, I knew I wanted to create a brand where I could explore all my hobbies and things I love- from photography, to creating textiles to collaborating with diverse artists conceptually, the world is our oyster. VIVIERS STUDIO was the chosen name, as it allows me to explore more than just clothing. Ceramics, homeware, sculptures or anything besides the normal categories of a clothing brand, would then also fall under this umbrella studio. VIVIERS is more of a mental space; an opportunity to explore indefinitely.

Sustainability is a big element in your brand ethos- tell us a little bit more about this choice?

When I started VIVIERS STUDIO, I didn’t set out to create a sustainable fashion brand. I just wanted to create hands-on things that I love, and the process so happened to be very sustainable. In terms of our fabric sourcing, we don’t throw anything away; I love the challenge of making something new out of something old. The fact that our clothes are Limited Edition, makes it very sustainable. We also don’t do mass-cutting, so everything is individually hand-cut. Last year when we all had so much time to think about things, I thought a lot about fabrics and how to make our sourcing process as sustainable as possible. It is difficult to be 100% sustainable, especially being a small luxury label in South Africa, as we very limited in our resources. We often face the challenge of using 100% Organic Cotton, that is imported by flight, opposed to locally sourced Cotton that is not organic. A catch 22! At the end of the day, sustainability is all about being considerate and conscious towards humanity and our environment, in both one’s personal and professional life.

Take us through your creative process when coming up with a new collection.

The process varies with each collection; for example, the A/W collection WOMB-COCOON, was inspired by my pregnancy. I would say that each collection is influenced by my personal state of mind and the physical environment that surrounds me. In addition, there is always an esoteric element that accompanies the process; I am very interested in the spiritual, the fleeting and the parallel worlds around us. Our latest collection, POOLSIDE, was inspired by my desire for a long, sunny holiday, lounging around the pool and enjoying summer!

Tell us about your beautiful atelier, The Lotus House.

Lotus House is our home, atelier and a conceptual studio space, where we exhibit art and collaborate with art fairs and artist that we find inspiring. ln the last three years, VIVIERS has grown a lot. So much so, that in March we will be moving to a beautiful new space, Crystal Glasshouse, which is just around the corner. The concept will stay the same: Crystal Glasshouse would showcase the latest VIVIERS collections, but is also the atelier where everything is originated. VIVIERS can be pre-ordered, made-to-measure or even sometimes be ready-to-wear.

Viviers Studio

Womb Cocoon, S/S2020, Viviers Studio - Photo Credit: Danielle Smith

Viviers Studio

Womb Cocoon, S/S2020, Viviers Studio - Photo Credit: Danielle Smith

How would you describe the ideal Viviers woman?

She is definitely a contradiction: A woman who appreciates classic and quality design elements (like the silhouette, shape and colour and of course our interesting fabrics,) yet she comes with an alternative edge.

How do you envision the role of the Fashion Designer in years to come in this age of digitalism?

I think there is both a practical and emotional role that a designer beholds, besides the new craze of block chains and NFT’s. A designer should really aim to understand their clients and should focus on making clothes that serves their client’s needs by really understanding their lifestyle. Ultimately, we strive to make exceptional quality clothes, that are intended to become heirloom pieces, as they have a sense of sophistication and timelessness. On the other side, a designer needs to know how to encapsulate creativity and beauty in their work, which allows the wearer to dream and contemplate their thought.I love this part of the process the most: the concept! Someone should be able to see your collection and appreciate the concept behind it and what it stands for, yet the quality and making of the clothing should never be compromised.

Any exciting projects on the horizon you would like to mention?

The launch of VIVIERS at our new atelier, the Crystal Glasshouse!

Viviers Studio

Aur(A)Ora 21/22, Viviers Studio Photo Credit: Danielle Smith

Viviers Studio

Aur(A)Ora 21/22, Viviers Studio Photo Credit: Danielle Smith

How would you like to see your brand in years to come?

I would like the brand to be both financially sustainable, and sustainable towards Mother Gaya, yet never having to compromise the guiding ethos of VIVIERS; a redefined, sustainable luxury brand. I also hope to continue all the creative collaborations and explorations, which is the breath of the brand.

Where can one keep up to date with the world of Viviers Studio?

And finally three words of advice to those wanting to pursue the fashion industry?

You Are Unique.

Additional Credits:

Photographer: Danielle Smith
Photographer: Paul Samuels

Viviers Studio

Poolside 21/22, Viviers Studio Photo Credit: Paul Samuels

Viviers Studio

Poolside 21/22, Viviers Studio Photo Credit: Paul Samuels